Monday, August 29, 2011

Final Homework Assignment: Blog Self-Evaluation

Hello! For your final blog post (once you've finished all your required posts!) I'd like you to do a blog self-evaluation, much like we did in AP-5. The only difference besides the topics is that this time I'd like you to remember that your blog is 50% of your final grade, since it's replacing the "journal" grade in your evaluation. So both the posts and this evaluation are important. I will take your input into account when grading your journals, so please give your evaluation the attention it deserves.

I'll post the assignment here (yes, it's very similar to the last one from AP-5). Also, any blog additions or changes you want to make need to be made by Friday at noon at the latest, so I can take your comments into account before our class. Like before, I'd like you to be honest, so if you'd prefer not to post this to your blog, that's OK; you can send it to me by email instead.

For your self-assessment, write a couple of sentences about each of your posts, including a score for each on a scale of 1-10 (10 being the highest). You should take into consideration first of all your English use (Vocabulary, Grammar, Mechanics, etc.), as well as your promptness, completeness, and your interaction with your group partners and their blogs.

You had 5 assignments, so you'll have to write your comments for the 5 posts. To remind you, they were:

(click on each description for a link to the assignment)

For example, you could say:

Assignment 2: 7/10. I feel that I could have done job with this post, since I posted it late and my answers were a bit incomplete. I only identified two behaviors, and they weren't concrete. But after my classmates commented and said that they needed to be concrete, I changed my post and tried to make it a little better.

So, do that 5 times, and you should be fine. Remember that you can also email me this assignment if you feel uncomfortable posting it to your blog. You can also take this opportunity to give me feedback about any aspect related to the class.

That's it for now. Thanks for giving me a nice class to look forward to on Saturday mornings. I hope that you learned something new, improved your English, and enjoyed the class. See you on Saturday, and don't forget to prepare your final presentations!


  1. Hey,so we can choose any topic we want for our presentation ( I mean a topic related to culture )

  2. Awesome picture, I thought the quote was created by us =o

  3. @Juan Miguel: Sort of. Remember the guidelines:
    Chat with me if you have more questions.

    @Ricardo: Yes, you guys did invent the quotes! They're so weird I can't imagine that anyone else could possibly come up with them :) I just took cartoons from The New Yorker and changed the captions. It takes about 30 seconds in Paint.

  4. =o sounds easy enough, that's pretty cool, we are now oficial creators of a quote =D
